Kobe Ortiz vs Brendan Tierney
UR Fight MMA
Kobe Ortiz vs Brendan Tierney
UR Fight MMA
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Tito "The Huntington Beach Bad Boy" Ortiz and Alberto Del Rio entered #LaJaula ready to put on a show in the main event fight of the night. Relive all the action here from their battle. #TitoVsAlbe
Alejandro "Gallito" Flores y Marco "La Roca" Elpidio entraron a #LaJaula listos para dar un espectáculo en el combate Estelar de la noche. Revive toda la acción aquí. #CombateMonterrey Follow Comb
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See Wolfslair fighter Ellis Lacy fight home grown Leigh O'Donnell from Flex MMA Barrow. This was tipped to be one of the toughest fights of the night. Lacy with a superb record was coming off one of
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