USADA Hands Tom Lawlor Lengthy Suspension for UFC Anti-Doping Violation |

Tom Lawlor on Friday was handed a two-year suspension by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency after having tested positive for a prohibited substance in October. 

Lawlor, 33, tested positive for ostarine following an out-of-competition urine test conducted on Oct. 10, 2016. Ostarine is a prohibited substance in the category of Anabolic Agents and is prohibited at all times under the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, which has adopted the WADA Prohibited List.

Ostarine, also known as MK-2866 and Enobosarm, is a non-FDA approved selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM) which is illegally sold in the United States and globally as a performance-enhancing substance, according to USADA.

Ostarine is not currently available as a prescription medication in any country, and its unauthorized use may carry serious side effects. Nonetheless, ostarine has been found as a declared and undeclared ingredient in many dietary supplements sold in the United States, which has prompted the U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to issue warning letters to specific dietary supplement manufacturers stating that ostarine is an unapproved new drug and that selling the drug is in violation of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA).

Lawlor’s two-year period of ineligibility began on Oct. 10, 2016, the date his positive sample was collected. 

Lawlor last fought in March of 2016, losing a unanimous decision to Corey Anderson at UFC 196.

Pursuant to the UFC Anti-Doping Policy, all UFC athletes serving a period of ineligibility for an anti-doping policy violation are required to remain in the USADA registered testing pool and make themselves available for testing in order to receive credit for time served under his or her sanction. Furthermore, if an athlete retires during his or her period of ineligibility, the athlete’s sanction will be tolled until such time the athlete notifies USADA of his or her return from retirement and once again makes him or herself available for no-advance-notice, out-of-competition testing.

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